Mellow and Misty
The last two weeks have had a slightly dreamlike quality about them, the ripening burnishing sun glinting upon the leaves as they start to turn golden and pink, and bringing on late crops of dahlias and hardy perennials, the soft blankety mists creeping through the landscape in the early mornings and some days smothering us in its cosy folds in a most soporific and unreal way. Our Michaelmas daisies and hardy garden chrysanthemums are the latest they have ever been to show us what they can do, and still seem in no hurry to really churn out the flowers; they are sleepy too. All the creepy vine-like things are really flourishing, and the strong healthy Old Roses have made a wonderful abundance of rich lush foliage for us to pick. Lots of things are seedy and ripe and fruity, and the gardens are like a poem.